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Articles & Info

We would like to share the following articles & information pages with you to read at your leisure.

Click on the title or description to go to the page.

Hormones in Labour and Birth - The integrate wonder of birth also allows us to release certain hormones that aids our coping mechanisms during birth. It is important to understand when and how these hormones are released and what the ideal environment is for them to work at an optimum level, ensuring that birthing becomes a time to remember, rather than a time best forgotten...........................



The Holistic Stages of Labor - A beautiful, poetic article written by Traditional Midwife Whapio Diane Bartlett.She shares what she has learned over many years of observing women give birth. She refers to the woman’s journey into an altered state as the “holistic stages of labour”. Enjoy!
The Pain of Labour:  A Feminist Issue - Andrea Robertson explains that pain in labour is universal: it hurts to give birth. Since this is such a common experience it could be seen as comforting, a bond among women, a fundamental truth that confirms our special biological role and affirms the importance of our contribution to society.We need to come to terms with the pain of labour. It is not to be feared, but rather welcomed for its intrinsic benefits and rewards: pain is a necessary part of normal labour and is important for maternal physical and emotional well-being. The harsh reality is that we women have allowed our bodies to be taken over by the medical fraternity peddling ideas that pain in labour is unnecessary and safely avoidable. We have condoned this takeover because we have been kept ignorant about the nature and purpose of our labour pain, and we have been swayed by arguments that seem persuasive, but are not based on fact. The time has come to reclaim our pain --- we and our babies need it to survive!

Post Natal Depression - There are three types of mood disturbance that could follow childbirth and they are frequently confused or inadequately grouped together under the heading of postnatal depression. These syndromes can be seen as existing on a spectrum where the mildest condition is the “blues”and the most severe condition is postnatal psychosis. Postnatal distress falls somewhere between these two and is  distinctly different in terms of onset, severity, duration and treatment..................


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